Monday, August 3, 2009

Drum roll, please! MY 101 in 1001 LIST-

will be updated regularly : D

Start date-8/4/09
End date-11/5/11

in progress

1. Learn French
2. Go camping and gut a fish (0/2)
3. Write down my dreams
4. Read 5 books (0/5)
5. Volunteer my time
6. Be patient
7. Drive in the slow lane
8. Be romantic
9. Plan an entire girl’s night out
10. Get involved in the church
11. Plan a vacation
12. Get another tattoo
13. Lose up to 30 lbs. (0/30)
14. Take vocal lessons
15. Learn the guitar
16. Cook a meal for my family
17. Be spontaneous(8/8/09)
18. Ride a horse
19. Grow something
20. Learn how to change a flat tire
21. Paint my room
22. Draw a portrait
23. Floss every day for a month (0/31)
24. Call family members 3 times a week for a month (0/12)
25. Drink 64 oz. of water every day for a month (0/31)(started 8/13/09)
26. Make a new friend
27. Go to a wine tasting class
28. Take a road trip
29. Skinny dip
30. Make and give 10 care packages to the homeless with a Bible verse included (0/10)
31. Try a new sport
32. Make a budget for a month and follow it
33. Babysit for a friend so they can have a night out
34. Go a day without worrying
35. Save a minimum of $25 every month for a year (0/12)
36. Take a dance class
37. Try a new food(italian squash && brussel sprouts)
38. Perfect a dish (chicken tortilla soup and my Chipotle burrito bowl!)
39. Grow my hair out to my waist
40. Run a marathon
41. Take vitamins every day for 3 months (0/93)
42. Mow the lawn
43. Go one whole week without watching TV (0/7)
44. Learn to drive a stick shift
45. Do 50 sit-ups/crunches every day for a month (0/31)
46. Go to a musical/theatre
47. Get 1 photo publicly displayed somewhere
48. Take seasonal pictures with my brothers till the finish date of the List (4 sessions per year)
49. Write to a politician
50. Take a picture every day for a year (0/365)
51. Go to bed before 10 every day for 2 weeks (0/14)
52. Learn to moonwalk
53. Do something random and nice for someone every day for a month (0/31)
54. Go to a movie alone dont see the Ugly Truth....borrring! (8/12/09)
55. Write a list of 100 things that make me happy
56. Memorize 5 constellations
57. Watch a sunrise from a good view
58. Learn a new vocabulary word every day for a month (0/31)
59. Play in the rain
60. Go to the top of 10 buildings in downtown Houston and take pictures
61. Buy 10 scratch-off tickets (9/10)
62. Ride on a motorcycle (rode on a scooter. next step, motorcycle!)
63. Play Ghost Rides the Whip
64. Have a pretend accent for 1 day
65. Pay it forward 2 times (0/2)
66. Write a letter to a random person in each of the 50 states
67. Sell something on
68. Use candles at night every night for 3 days (0/3)
69. Watch every Audrey Hepburn movie she was ever in
70. Go downtown for 1 hour with the Free Hug sign and see how many hugs you get
71. Drive with the windows down, music up, and go crazy dancing once a day for a week (1/7) (started 9/29/09)
72. Don’t cuss for 1 week (0/7)
73. Dress in boy’s clothing for 1 day
74. Write my testimony and leave nothing out
75. Buy something from Toys R Us
76. Sew a dress
77. Learn the location of the 50 states as well as their capitals
78. Invest in stock
79. Overcome anxiety
80. Start a new tradition
81. Do 10 (minimum) photo shoots
82. Research my family’s heritage
83. Learn to load and shoot a gun
84. Spend an entire day in my underwear
85. Send flowers to my mom
86. Build a piece of furniture
87. Try at least 5 completely random dishes at restaurants (0/5)
88. Do a complete body cleanse
89. Tithe at least 10 times (0/10)
90. Teach bruiser how to sit or shake hands
91. Order groceries online
92. Bowl over 100
93. Get LASIK
94. Apologize more
95. Play golf with my dad and brothers
96. Start retirement fund
97. Say a prayer before each meal for 3 weeks (28)
98.Re-read this list every day (55/1001)
99. Visit grandparents
100. Go to a roller rink /ice skating rink
101. Make a new 101 list :D

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