Thursday, November 12, 2009

So sorry, so long.

Well, it's been quite a minute since my last post, I do apologize.
I'm sitting here in Houston- wishing I was still in Austin.
I'd like to spend a week there, boy would that be lovely. Maybe soon...just maybe. I could see myself there before the boy and I hit L.A. It'd be a nice baby step. We shall see where the Lord leads me/us.
Speaking of Austin, we were there this past weekend for a nice, enjoyable, & much needed long weekend.
Some of our best friends live there so a visit was sure overdue. We got into Austin (noted that for 2 and a half hours of this 3 hr. trip I was having a panic attack and didn't want to drive @ night. It was surreal to say the least) around 8:30-ish and excitedly I pounded on their front door wanting to see them and their baby boy. Whoooops! HA. Nice enjoyable evening though. The next morning the boys went on a 4 hr hike (which Rob has been telling EVERYBODY about) while Amanda and I and Stephen's mom did some shoppin, cause that's what we do best. I got Ian this A-DORABLE "gentleman's outfit" which I'm honestly too lazy to post but I might later. I couldn't get over it's cuteness.
Next day was Ian's first birthday party. It was a total success. Amanda put a lot of thought into it, and it showed. I don't remember having a 1st birthday party that snazzy. Impressed I was. Later, of course we did more shopping. (are you really that surprised?) This weekend was so great cause I loved just hanging out with Amanda and Ian, oh and Stephen too ; ) I loved it.
Ohhh Austin, I think you are slowly making your way into my heart.
It's a short post but hey, don't complain. I'm definitely updating more this weekend so stay tuned! Off to watch my Thursday night television shows with a glass of wine : )

Monday, August 31, 2009

Date day : ) : ) : )

Today was a date day. I woke up, realized class was cancelled and made the decision to declare today Date day. Rob had the day off so we headed out to start our day. First we went to his work and picked up some free drinks. We then proceeded to our local favorite- Chipotle : ) YUM. We got our favorites and ate outside and read the paper together. Apparently some writer for the Houston Press hates Houston sports teams. Just btw...
Then we headed right across the street to Edwards Cinema and saw The Final Destination. Afterwards we ranted and reviewed how cookie cutter/hoakey/suspenseful it was. I have a small weakness for those types of movies. Example: The 'Saw' collection. Alot of people can't stand those, but me, I love them. We debated watching another movie, Rob was rooting for District 9. We decided not to. On a trip to this movie theatre a few weeks before, we tried winning an iPod Touch from those funny claw machines. You all know what I'm talking about. Well tonight we decided to try again. Rob had just gotten weekly tips, so we had a few bucks to spare......well, we ended up nearly getting the iPod touch oh, I'd say 5 times. HAHA. We spent about $14 dollars on this claw machine. We felt like kids : )
We then proceeded to Smoke Dreams, intending to purchase some hookah tobacco and coals for our hookah at my house. We left SD without tobacco, deciding to go to Best Buy to look around. Why not, right? We both almost indulged in impulse buys. We're not good at that and get ourselves into trouble often ; ) I found a vinyl record of the Kings of Leon and nearly died. Since WHEN has Best Buy carried vinyls? This might be a new addiction. *shrugs with an evil smile* Rob was about to buy an Xbox game for me. How cute : ) My first game ever was a Crash Bandicoot game for the old Playstation. I saw a new Crash game on sale. I felt like an even bigger kid now. We both showed alot of discernment and opted not to buy these said items. HIGH FIVE! There is hope for us : )
Next, onto World Market. Love this place, btw. Kind of quickly looked around and ended up splurging on mozzarella and procuitto (spelling?) stuffed olives. Lately, I've always had a stash of stuffed olives in my reach. Literally. Rob can second this fact. If you like olives, try them! I like garlic stuffed, feta stuffed, blue cheese stuffed, and now mozzarella and procuitto stuffed. They are to die. Okay, okay, almost done.
We finally made our way to Mary'z. Yes, a 'z' and not and 's'. HAHA. Our wonderful friend Marshall had brought us here years earlier and we decided it was time to return. This place is too cool. We are both big hookah fans so this is the perfect spot. Not only do they serve hookah in like 30 amazing flavors, they have a full bar and really great Lebanese food. Yup, it's great. After we got our cherry, cranberry, orange, and lemon hookah, we got 2 beers and some hummus. Perfecto : )
Great day I'd say : )
Oh yes! And I completed some more things on my 101 list. Check it out! : )
Love my boy.
Love Love Love.
: )

Saturday, August 29, 2009

i am trying.

i hate not being involved,
and being overlooked.
i AM trying.
i hate being accused of things i haven't done,
have a little more faith in me.
i AM trying.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

while eating my daily blue cheese stuffed olives:

I really need to get in a daily blog writing routine. I appreciate bloggers who can do this. So, I apologize for the lack of entries. I'll get better at it : )
Well, today has been a headache. To explain to those who don't know, for the past oh, 6-8 months I think, my Volkswagen Beetle has been sick. First, it was an ongoing what-we-though-to-be transmission problem. Nope. My transmission was even rebuilt and I still had the same problems. Now this time, it's what's under the hood that matters. My car battery is acting funky, so lo and behold, I have what is probably my 6th rental car! This rental is NOT my favorite. I admit, sometimes I actually like getting rental cars because it's fun to drive something else every once in a while. This rental sucks. The a/c kicks in and out, and if your a Texan, then you know this just doesn't fly. Then, the radio hardly works. I listen to 104.1 constantly. Again, this sucks. I hate the radio. Cars can be such a helper, but also SUCH a pain.
On to better and happier things!
I have a possible internship with a great wedding/portrait photographer! He was the photog at my friend's wedding a summer or two back and his work is amazing! As he took the pictures during the wedding, you could walk to the back of the reception hall and view all these pictures on a HD flat screen monitor. How cool is that? Cool, i know : ) Well, you should definitely check out his work at Keep your fingers crossed I get it! It would be such awesome experience points for me. I'm DEFINITELY excited! : ) : ) : ) Sending in my resume tomorrow!
This past Saturday, the 22nd, my boyfriend and I went to see Mr. Carter in concert. It was toooo much fun! I can't go into much detail cause there were alot of illegal activities going on at the concert, but Lil Wayne put on a really, really, really entertaining show. I felt so white. It was awesome.
Today I completed yet another item on my 101 list. You'll have to check it out to see what it was ; )
Okay, I won't take up too much more of your time.
I want to encourage and congratulate all the students out there. This week everyone goes back to school. If you're in high school or college or maybe even going back to college, YOU CAN DO IT. School isn't easy and is quite tiresome, but push on and just know it can only help you and your future. Okay, no more hallmark talk.
Last, but NOT least. This video is the reason I want to learn French with my boyfriend. I want our child/children to be able to do this. SO ADORABLE!

Oh, and I love comments from you guys. I want to know if you liked/disliked what you read. Or even read it for that matter! : ) Thanks, you all rock it : )

Thursday, August 20, 2009

c'est mon inspiration

"People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering."
St. Augustine, 354 430
Early Christian Priest, Author

"Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars."
Henry Van Dyke
American Educator

"Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars."
Henry Van Dyke
American Educator

What inspires YOU?

style rookie:

makes ME think:

charles the bear:

these are merely a few of the basketfulls of inspirational things i look at daily.
i dont have much time today, i apologize.
i hope that you are inspired by something you love today.
hold on to it.
expand upon it.
live it.

there is no better feeling than to know what you love, see what you love, and follow that love.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SEND IT ON (notice the capitalization)

today's blog will discuss the randomness that are my thoughts.
today's blog will also completely lack proper capitalization. why's this? why not...? maybe because im being as lazy as humanly possible this entire week. this is the first "down week" ive had since the beginning of the year. next monday, school resumes....*sigh*.
okay, let's get started. first up, mrs. rachel zoe.
mrs., or-should-i-call-you-miss-cause-im-pretty-positive-your-husband-is-gay, rachel zoe. shes definitely not all that and a bag of potato chips. her style is cliche (not that it isn't cute and i'd kill for every piece in her closet) but still....cliche. all she can pull off is bohemian chic. lets see what else you can do, rach. puh-lease! (and yes everyone, i call her rach because we are just that close....speed dial # nothing)


season 2 of the rachel zoe project airs august 24th on bravo. lets all watch together at all the drama she can create for herself....since we all know shopping and styling celebrities is such a tiresome career....ha!

second, my roommate alexis has gotten me to feed my curiosity about this new super dieter's tea. correction, it is not new. but to me it is. i tried it for the 1st time last night and have to admit, i was more worried than i needed to be. although im sure it did it's job as seein how many times i had to visit the ladie's room. check it out: i'm going to try it for a week and see what/if happens. i'm trying to lose at least 20 lbs before my amazing friend amanda's wedding in february. as i mentioned in an earlier blog, im a bridesmaid therefore i will be in like 8/10th's of the i gotta look good! like good good!

onward, to polyvore! oh! how i love and adore thee. its the cutest way to shop. it brings me back to when i was a teen. (i do believe this is the first time i actually realized im no longer a teen....wierd i know.. i have to say, it sucks....haha) clipping and scotch-taping collages of the cutest finds in magazines was daily. now, of course they have the same general idea online. but instead of just making cute collages, each piece of clothing, accessory, etc. are all clickable links which direct you to the page from where it can be bought! how smart. many of you may not like this or even get this, but for us girly girls (i know your out there!) this is for you : D enjoy, but be careful, its addicting! im still trying to quit!

i think this is number four. canino's food market! my mother just introduced me this past weekend and i'm a believer! its an indoor/outdoor food market near my house that has the best and freshest products! if you've heard of a farmer's market, then you have an idea of what this place is like. i dont mind being the minority there. haha. its worth it. i wish it was a tad closer, but that will not stop me from purchasing my food there! i love love love it! its like a hidden secret for true, long-time houstonians. i mean who couldn't love an open-7-days-a week-farmer's market?! you'd be silly not to. or unless your allergic to vegetables and fruits and plain pure goodness! i actually found pictures of the actual caninos! now just so you know, what you see is only a fourth of the entire store, remember alot of it is outside too : D

to leave you with a great song by a great group of kiddos:

tomorrow's discussion topics will include:
1.) miss molly rose
2.) ouchy! lasik...dun dun dun!
3.) twitter and it's stupidity and lack of everything important and relevant


Monday, August 17, 2009

After the intermission-

Sorry I've been out of touch/reach lately!
Finals are finally over and I aced my last government class : D I was so worried about passing, and ended up doing just fine....WHEW! A few things have happened and a few things are going to happen- all of them are exciting. As i mentioned, finals are over! Second, I finally (took me a while because of funds) bought my first bridesmaids dress today! Here's a picture of it! I've been also shoppin for shoes, Amanda wants silver for us girls, a few shoe ideas are also posted, which ones do you like?:



Also, this Sunday is my first ever photoshoot! Now, I'm no model, nor can I be....BUT one of my best friends, Levi is a remarkable photographer and is gonna spend the day snappin my pictures! I'm too excited! Check out his work!
He has a great eye and an even greater personality so he's gonna be awesome to work with....I'm a bit nervous. I repeat, I am NO model. I'm gonna be akward, I just know it. I'll post pictures as soon as I recieve some : D

I've been peddling through my 101 list, and feel pretty confident I can pull it all off.....But no worries, I have plenty of time. Okay, so I really want one of these:
I want to make photos like these:

On Thursday, my roommate Stephanie is gonna do what's called a "bleach out" on my hair. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out- fingers crossed it'll be awesome. I'm a tad nervous. Basically it is making a dark-haired person become you probably could've guessed. I've been wanting to go back blonde, so hopefully this will work and it'll look great!

Alright, time for Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist before the boy gets home! Not that he minds it, he actually likes the movie, but I've got other things planned for us....Goodnight all : D

Monday, August 3, 2009

Drum roll, please! MY 101 in 1001 LIST-

will be updated regularly : D

Start date-8/4/09
End date-11/5/11

in progress

1. Learn French
2. Go camping and gut a fish (0/2)
3. Write down my dreams
4. Read 5 books (0/5)
5. Volunteer my time
6. Be patient
7. Drive in the slow lane
8. Be romantic
9. Plan an entire girl’s night out
10. Get involved in the church
11. Plan a vacation
12. Get another tattoo
13. Lose up to 30 lbs. (0/30)
14. Take vocal lessons
15. Learn the guitar
16. Cook a meal for my family
17. Be spontaneous(8/8/09)
18. Ride a horse
19. Grow something
20. Learn how to change a flat tire
21. Paint my room
22. Draw a portrait
23. Floss every day for a month (0/31)
24. Call family members 3 times a week for a month (0/12)
25. Drink 64 oz. of water every day for a month (0/31)(started 8/13/09)
26. Make a new friend
27. Go to a wine tasting class
28. Take a road trip
29. Skinny dip
30. Make and give 10 care packages to the homeless with a Bible verse included (0/10)
31. Try a new sport
32. Make a budget for a month and follow it
33. Babysit for a friend so they can have a night out
34. Go a day without worrying
35. Save a minimum of $25 every month for a year (0/12)
36. Take a dance class
37. Try a new food(italian squash && brussel sprouts)
38. Perfect a dish (chicken tortilla soup and my Chipotle burrito bowl!)
39. Grow my hair out to my waist
40. Run a marathon
41. Take vitamins every day for 3 months (0/93)
42. Mow the lawn
43. Go one whole week without watching TV (0/7)
44. Learn to drive a stick shift
45. Do 50 sit-ups/crunches every day for a month (0/31)
46. Go to a musical/theatre
47. Get 1 photo publicly displayed somewhere
48. Take seasonal pictures with my brothers till the finish date of the List (4 sessions per year)
49. Write to a politician
50. Take a picture every day for a year (0/365)
51. Go to bed before 10 every day for 2 weeks (0/14)
52. Learn to moonwalk
53. Do something random and nice for someone every day for a month (0/31)
54. Go to a movie alone dont see the Ugly Truth....borrring! (8/12/09)
55. Write a list of 100 things that make me happy
56. Memorize 5 constellations
57. Watch a sunrise from a good view
58. Learn a new vocabulary word every day for a month (0/31)
59. Play in the rain
60. Go to the top of 10 buildings in downtown Houston and take pictures
61. Buy 10 scratch-off tickets (9/10)
62. Ride on a motorcycle (rode on a scooter. next step, motorcycle!)
63. Play Ghost Rides the Whip
64. Have a pretend accent for 1 day
65. Pay it forward 2 times (0/2)
66. Write a letter to a random person in each of the 50 states
67. Sell something on
68. Use candles at night every night for 3 days (0/3)
69. Watch every Audrey Hepburn movie she was ever in
70. Go downtown for 1 hour with the Free Hug sign and see how many hugs you get
71. Drive with the windows down, music up, and go crazy dancing once a day for a week (1/7) (started 9/29/09)
72. Don’t cuss for 1 week (0/7)
73. Dress in boy’s clothing for 1 day
74. Write my testimony and leave nothing out
75. Buy something from Toys R Us
76. Sew a dress
77. Learn the location of the 50 states as well as their capitals
78. Invest in stock
79. Overcome anxiety
80. Start a new tradition
81. Do 10 (minimum) photo shoots
82. Research my family’s heritage
83. Learn to load and shoot a gun
84. Spend an entire day in my underwear
85. Send flowers to my mom
86. Build a piece of furniture
87. Try at least 5 completely random dishes at restaurants (0/5)
88. Do a complete body cleanse
89. Tithe at least 10 times (0/10)
90. Teach bruiser how to sit or shake hands
91. Order groceries online
92. Bowl over 100
93. Get LASIK
94. Apologize more
95. Play golf with my dad and brothers
96. Start retirement fund
97. Say a prayer before each meal for 3 weeks (28)
98.Re-read this list every day (55/1001)
99. Visit grandparents
100. Go to a roller rink /ice skating rink
101. Make a new 101 list :D

Sunday, July 19, 2009

its gonna be a short and sweet one :)

the boys here sleepin on the couch next to me so why not?
its been a productive weekend, worked alot- but that's alright. a lil work never killed anyone?

or has it?

made a fantastic dinner tonight for my boy and his fam. teriyaki pork loin, cabbage, brown sugar carrots, mashed potaters, and a banana cake w/ cream cheese frosting for dessert :D
didn't have to do much, and it was yummy!
as noted in an earlier blog we love to cook, me and him, && he usually ends up taking over so it was my turn to do it this time. YAY, success!

for some reason i love mondays. i always feel that its a completely fresh start, no matter what is goin on. its nice, *sigh*
so after my daily back massage from the boy, we're gonna watch some movies. i think he rented tale of despereaux, notorious, and oh yay, the haunting in connecticut. i just now looked at the movie box and it looks quite interesting.....and has major cheeseball potential.

1. go meet with counselor re: dynamos internship
2. look around for studio jobs (assisting)
4. study, study, STUDY!
5. talk with parents about bridesmaid's dress moolah sitch
6. get connected with FOODNOTBOMBS. (check it out if you havent heard of magic my friends)
7. six is enough for now ;)

alright, for something funny to end this:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Lost Boys

This documentary is an AMAZING and MOVING story that truly captures what these thousands upon thousands of Sudanese boys suffered through on their journey to America. As an American, I admit that I take so so much for granted, as it's the way I've grown up. My family has personally taken care of about 4 or 5 of these boys and made sure they saw that America is a place of hope and although we too have issues and controversy in our country, we simply want them to not live in fear any more. For the past couple years, the few that we keep in close contact with, have completely opened up my heart and eyes. I love each of the boys individually for their strength and determination to live a successful and changed way of life here in the states. Recently, one of the boys (that my family knows personally) was hit by a car. It was in the evening and whoever the heartless person was who hit him, fled the scene upon impact. Simon (his name), was laying there for hours before anyone noticed his injury. He was then rushed to the emergency room with a coma and has been in one since. The Dr.'s are pretty certain he will not heal and will be a vegetable for the rest of his life. Although there are alot of things I still don't know about Simon, I DO know he is a beautiful soul. BEAUTIFUL. And it hurts me deeply to know just how much suffering he has endured in his lifetime. He fled his country because he wanted to escape their civil war, and know he's laying in a hospital, and doesn't even know his own name. Things are probably not going to change for him, but if you read this, please say a small prayer for him. And if you don't pray, just take a moment to acknowledge him and his life. My prayer is for him to somehow return to health and mental health for that matter. Through the Lord all things are possible, and I pray Simon will not suffer any longer.

God Grew Tired of Us is a tear jerking movie that I recommend to ANYONE and EVERYONE. Directed by Brad Pitt and narrated by Nicole Kidman, I strongly urge you to take an hour to watch it.

Thanks for reading.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Fresh Start

Monday, Monday, ohhh Monday.

Woke up early (not technically THAT early, but hey) to go pick up my man from work downtown. He's currently making a crazy feast in our kitchen....I'm not too sure what it is, but one dish involves banana leaves and some crazy hunk of seasoned meat. I think he's also making some ceviche as well as basil/artichoke rice....? We both adore the Food Network and love trying new foods :) He's completely taken the ball and ran with it, too....It's quite cute. Having friends (and maybe some family) over later this evening to enjoy the gourmet. I hung out with my good friends Amanda and Javi last night and oh how I've missed them! They are so great. She got into nursing school recently and is moving to San Antonio on the 18th, so I'm a bit sad, BUT, it will give me more reason for a roadtrip, & really, who doesnt lovvvve roadtrips? Speaking of school, I start my Government night class tonight, wish me luck! :) ANYwho, no more chat about me.

Now for a little self-inspiration and motivation for this week.....schedule photo shoots! SCHEDULE, SCHEDULE, and on the side, NETWORK! I need to step up my game. Enjoy, loves :)


Sunday, July 12, 2009

oh Zooey!

Coming from a heterosexual female, I LOVE HER. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I've always kind of overlooked this charming lil lady. Sitting here watching the not-so-interesting Failure to Launch, I realized she is way cuter and humorous than I ever gave her credit for. I mean I loved her in Elf, Almost Famous, and Hitchikers Guide, but she never had my attention till now.

The Lovely miss Zooey Deschanel was born in Los Angeles, California, (I would've thought she was from a smaller city because she seems so 'girl next door') and is the daughter of Academy Award-nominated cinematographer and director Caleb Deschanel and actress Mary Jo Deschanel. She's Irish && French, which I would've never guessed. Named after Zooey Glass, the male protagonist of J. D. Salinger's 1961 novella Franny and Zooey. Again, didn't know that. Her older sister Emily Deschanel is also stars in the TV series Bones. Um, I'd say she was pretty much destined to be a starlett....It seems almost genetic in her case! Some of her best movies are, as stated before- Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Elf, Almost Famous, as well as, The Good Girl, Failure to Launch, Weeds (in a few episodes), Bridge to Terabithia, The Assassination of Jesse James, The Happening, and newest release, Yes Man. She has such a distinct look about her and I love, love, love it. As everyone knows by now, she's also a part of the She & Him, and has also done some solo work. Along with her distinct look is an appropriately matching voice. Her soothing voice and adorable lyrics remind me of an early 20's or 30's singer (and can pull off anything vintage as if it were meant for her), and that my friends, is rare to find. I would love to sit down and chit chat it up over a cup of coffee (decaf for me, please) while she tells me who her influences are and where she sees herself in oh, thirty years. Alright, no more words, lets look @ some pictures and videos of Miss Fabulous herself:

Zooey singing for She & Him- Dream a Little Dream of Me:

Change is Hard:

Zooey Deschanel: The Fabric of My Life Campaign Blends Famili... - The best home videos are here


So, I'm done with my Zooey rant, I'm about to go crazy and spank one of the puppies because she just ate 3/4 of my amazing subway sammich......GRRRR. Yes, just like you, I love to spend $7 on a sammy I didn't even eat, but threw away for that matter! Okay, okay, now to go clean up before my lovely friends get here! Ciao! :D

pea ess, i love comments.

kay, thanks!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Round 1, FIGHT!

So, it's no surprise that even if you don't go out of your way to keep up with celeb gossip, that you will undoubtedly be kept 'in-the-know' by friends, magazines (i love how they stare you square in the eye @ grocery stores), or even the good ole' television....gasp, nooooo..neverrr..... so, what I would like to know issss, who would you much rather be kept filled in on. Now, I'm not gonna sit here and even remotely begin to lie and say that I don't love my dose of celebrity gossip, I'm actually one of those who search for it, so here is my take on it all. Nowadays, there are so many copies, impersonators, and well, straight up publicity whores. These are my absolute favorites:







I start a mini-vaca as of today, I'm housesitting till the 21st in my parents neighborhood, not my parent's house. During this time, I'll be watching 3 adorable daschund puppies, 1 cat, 1 canary, 1 dancing bird (videos to come later :) ), 1 rat, and 1 turtle....hahaha. Well, two of those animals being my own, but even still. This should be interesting ;) To quote my good friend Amanda, (& to explain for future reference, a.k.a. PandaPants) BLOG OUT!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

ce sont amour des choses i,


Mrs. Judy Garland- we love && miss you.


this amazingly cute jim beam lamp....possibly a different colored shade?


OWLS OWLS OWLS, yes please!





one day ill have a room in my house imitate this, if the boy agrees :)


she's won my heart over and over again, adorable girl<3

i keep wanting to add to my puppy collection, and this would be my next. cute huh? :)

TOKYO! the movie....check it out. you might have to re-watch it, though. it's one of those movies.

andddd....drum roll......

SOOOO, after 2 hours of math tutoring, I finally came home after pickin up some yummy sushi && a bottle of cabernet sauvignon....LOVE. Now for the DVR and a relaxing rest of the night. Going back to try on bridesmaids dresses, or dress for that matter, tomorrow. I'm a bridesmaid virgin......and well, the other way around too. ha. sigh.....And just to throw it out there, Paramore's new cd comes out September 29! EEEK.....again, LOVE. I'm kinda getting used to this whole 'blog' thing, and I must admit, it's quite nice :)



I've considered creating a blog for quite some time now, & to be quite frank am still not sure how long this will endure. BUT, for now, I'll at least try to have a little fun with it :)

I'm sitting here watching Oprah (no worries, it's not an addiction), only for today because the famous designer Valentino is the guest. How inspiring! For those who don't know him, which is okay if you don't, he is an incredibly talented clothing designer who just recently had a documentary movie come out about his life...'Valentino- The Last Emperor'.....& I MUST SEE IT. He's very much a queen in his own right. Why am I not in the fashion industry? I'm still questioning myself. I do feel however, photography plays a big part in the selling, marketing, and actually the capturing of fashion itself- only in a different way. These are two LOVES of mine. I have created somewhat of a romance with both of them and am currently stuck figuring out just how to make them meet and fall in love with eachother, just as I have :D Hopefully *fingers crossed* I'll be able to do that. Photo/Art Dept.'s here i come!

I'm not going to make this a long one- I just simply wanted to start this newly forming habit.