Well, today has been a headache. To explain to those who don't know, for the past oh, 6-8 months I think, my Volkswagen Beetle has been sick. First, it was an ongoing what-we-though-to-be transmission problem. Nope. My transmission was even rebuilt and I still had the same problems. Now this time, it's what's under the hood that matters. My car battery is acting funky, so lo and behold, I have what is probably my 6th rental car! This rental is NOT my favorite. I admit, sometimes I actually like getting rental cars because it's fun to drive something else every once in a while. This rental sucks. The a/c kicks in and out, and if your a Texan, then you know this just doesn't fly. Then, the radio hardly works. I listen to 104.1 constantly. Again, this sucks. I hate the radio. Cars can be such a helper, but also SUCH a pain.
On to better and happier things!
I have a possible internship with a great wedding/portrait photographer! He was the photog at my friend's wedding a summer or two back and his work is amazing! As he took the pictures during the wedding, you could walk to the back of the reception hall and view all these pictures on a HD flat screen monitor. How cool is that? Cool, i know : ) Well, you should definitely check out his work at www.whatsyourimage.com. Keep your fingers crossed I get it! It would be such awesome experience points for me. I'm DEFINITELY excited! : ) : ) : ) Sending in my resume tomorrow!
This past Saturday, the 22nd, my boyfriend and I went to see Mr. Carter in concert. It was toooo much fun! I can't go into much detail cause there were alot of illegal activities going on at the concert, but Lil Wayne put on a really, really, really entertaining show. I felt so white. It was awesome.
Today I completed yet another item on my 101 list. You'll have to check it out to see what it was ; )
Okay, I won't take up too much more of your time.
I want to encourage and congratulate all the students out there. This week everyone goes back to school. If you're in high school or college or maybe even going back to college, YOU CAN DO IT. School isn't easy and is quite tiresome, but push on and just know it can only help you and your future. Okay, no more hallmark talk.
Last, but NOT least. This video is the reason I want to learn French with my boyfriend. I want our child/children to be able to do this. SO ADORABLE!
Oh, and I love comments from you guys. I want to know if you liked/disliked what you read. Or even read it for that matter! : ) Thanks, you all rock it : )
hahahaha.... loved the video. I want to speak French. Ian too.