Mrs. Judy Garland- we love && miss you.

this amazingly cute jim beam lamp....possibly a different colored shade?

OWLS OWLS OWLS, yes please!

one day ill have a room in my house imitate this, if the boy agrees :)

she's won my heart over and over again, adorable girl<3

i keep wanting to add to my puppy collection, and this would be my next. cute huh? :)

TOKYO! the movie....check it out. you might have to re-watch it, though. it's one of those movies.
andddd....drum roll...... http://petite--anarchy.com/one.html/
SOOOO, after 2 hours of math tutoring, I finally came home after pickin up some yummy sushi && a bottle of cabernet sauvignon....LOVE. Now for the DVR and a relaxing rest of the night. Going back to try on bridesmaids dresses, or dress for that matter, tomorrow. I'm a bridesmaid virgin......and well, the other way around too. ha. sigh.....And just to throw it out there, Paramore's new cd comes out September 29! EEEK.....again, LOVE. I'm kinda getting used to this whole 'blog' thing, and I must admit, it's quite nice :)
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